Inauguration of the new Alliance française of Lahore and of the institute Annmarie Schimmel-Haus

Honorable Chief Minister, dear Christopher, dear Friends, Madame Gisèle Butt,

Today is a very special day in the history of the Alliance française in Pakistan for two reasons : because this is its 4Oth anniversary and because, with the association of Alliance Française and Annmarie Schimmel-Haus, we are inaugurating a French-German cultural center in Lahore, and we are very happy, my German colleague Christopher and myself to offer you this cultural evening on this occasion.

Let me say first few words, briefly about the Alliance Française in Lahore.

It has gone a long way since its humble beginnings in 1965. Some 13 directors have succeeded each other. The Alliance has experienced of course some ups and downs, the last one taking place in 2002 when the Alliance was closed for some 18 months. But I would like to thank all the directors for the work which has been done over the years. My gratitude goes in particular to the present Director, Mathieu Pinel, who has reopened it after a long period of uncertainty and made it again with the help of the committee, in about a year, one of the major cultural centre of the city : in 2004, the Alliance française had some 1372 students. It also organised some 33 events, concerts, exhibitions, and various other events.

All this of course would not have been possible without the support and the cooperation of a number of local partners among which I would like to quote the National College of Arts, whose Director, Mrs Sajida Vandal, is a dedicated member of the Committee of the Alliance, NIPA Lahore, Pakistan Administrative Staff College, the Civil Service Academy, just to name a few.

But today is also a special day because the Alliance and the Anne-Marie Schimmel Haus have decided to unite their means and efforts and to work together in this new coumpound. The project had been there for a long time. It has now materialised and this is undoubtebly a very positive achievement which augures well for 2005 and the future. We want this “marriage” to be a success and an example of what Germany and France can make together in the field of cultural cooperation in third countries. This is the first example of such a Franco-German cooperation in Pakistan and also one of the first few in our entire network of Alliances all over the world.

We have, of course other cooperations with our German friends, including here in Pakistan. Some are currently going on and we expect, for example, a series of joint cultural ventures, concerts in Pakistan, in these coming six months. But this one is likely to be, by its own nature, the most sustainable.

This is of course a sign of the importance that we attach in Europe to the ties between France and Germany. However we want to make it more than a political symbol. Through the reunion of those two prestigious institutions, which, we hope will only be the announcement of a truly European center, we want to create a window on Europe, to project the image of a continent, economically and politically united, the symbol of what can be achieved when former enemies decide to work together for peace, prosperity and development. Beyond we also want to project a new image of Europe. Not only a rich civilisation and culture and a major actor in the dialogue of civilisations, but also a Europe which is the number one economy in the world and one of its most technologically advanced region.

We also want to invite you, and I am now addressing more specifically all the young people present at this inauguration tonight, to come study in Europe. The Alliance has set up an EduFrance office in its compound but we are also working, in relation with the German Embassy but also with other European member states represented in Pakistan, to introduce you our respective higher education systems. We are willing to welcome you in Europe since we believe that a common training is likely to bring about the awareness that we all have to gain, scientifically, economically, culturally and even politically from early educational exchanges. Both the Anne Marie Schimmel Haus and the Alliance Française are essential actors in this process through their language training programme.

I would not like to end this brief address without thanking from the deepest of my heart, not only our partners, whom I have mentioned, but also the staff of the Alliance, its Director, Mathieu Pinel, but also Saqdaf Atif and Asif Bashir without whom the Alliance would have simply disappeared two years ago. My gratitude also goes of course to all the professors. It goes also and in a big way to our Honorary Consul in Lahore, Mr. Jehangir Malik who is always there to help whenever necessary. Finally ladies and Gentlemen, I would like you to extend a big hand to one person who is in a sense the memory of the Alliance, a constant source of support and motivation and, I would be tempted to say , the “mother” of the Alliance, the very dedicated Chairperson of the Committee, Madame Gisèle Butt. Thanks to all of you and good luck !

An now, no more speech ! I give immediately the floor to Marion Baglan who will delight us with her marvellous voice, and I thank very warmly the german trio “Der Rote Bereich” and Marion Baglan for their presence in Lahore today at the eve of Basant, for this evening of culture, music and friendship between France-Germany-Europe and Pakistan./.

Dernière modification : 05/11/2008

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